school started 2 days back.. on monday is my first psychologic class. soo bored, 3.5 hours of lecture. our teacher is an ang moh, Mr. Vogt. he nice la.. after that rush to buy note, catch some rain on the way to buy the note. the only problem is the quene is soo long and i have to leave school by 12.30 to reach Bukit bakot at 1 for driving lesson. is a bad day i can say.. it rainning and i have to be super slow. finally i manage to control the cruach near the end. haha..

yesterday went for 2 lectures, but actually one of the lecture, Financial international trade(FIT), is today, but went yesterday, so i can sleep long. if not i have to reach school at 9.a.m for that lecture, so we decided to go for ytd.. haha.. just finish off both tutorial. and soon going to school for Business law lecture.. siannnn.. soo the law and standard thingy come out.. ytd learnt tax law; section 10, sub section 1a,b,c.... so wat lor.. ok la..i going to get mysef prepare for class.. ^^


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