ok.. i found it a bit confuse these days. i not quite sure wat is she thinking, she seem tired.. have i brought all these to her?? i noe she once mention that i wasn't that guy he was looking for. but nevertheless, i will try my best, all i have to meet all her requirement. i dun mind wat it take now. i noe how much she meant to me now, and i willing to give every thing i have to her. all i wan to see her to be happy. i haven seen her happy these days leh. sorry, i guess i did something that hurt u really deeply. it might be a long way, there lot of thing for us to face, but i dun really mind, i willing to face it with her. even one that she really wanted me to leave her, i will respect her decision, but i willing to be by her side. as long as she happy, i contented le.. i dun wish much and dun want to ask much, all i wan is to be with her..

think that all i have.. see you guys next time.


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