it like 1 week to exam. it really coming very fast. MA is on sat and i have hell lot of thing to get into my mind. just now gone to face book to play around and something caught me. wow, one of my sec sch friend got a gf. haha. last heard he broke off with her a few month back and now he got a new girl. but the back news is, i duno who the girl is.. hey bro.. intro leh.. nvr knew he will change his heart soo fast.. but good la, your that ex not good wan. hope you will find happiness..
tml going to learn driving le, duno when to book my driving, most likely is next friday, after my CT. arghhhh!!!!!!!!
oh, before i forget, there another happy news, double happiness. Alvin got a disticnation for his pipa.. congra.. well done alvin. now you can focuse on your CT le. hope everyone all the best for your CT.
and i think i give up setting question for blaw. no use. in the end he will explain too. haiz.. anyway, cheer up..


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