haha.. back to blogging.. cos super boliao.. exam is super near.. it like 1 more week to our final exam. but i still can't find the mood to study.. think slack too much le.. teo jie yong got to buck up le.. GPA3.5.. haha.. wait long long den got ba.. anyway i have been busy with lot of thing, like tutorial, revision, gaming(with my evil brother, it help to destress too:) ).
yesterday was national day, and i was down with a flu and cough. feel so sick abt it.. but anyway, still went down to bukit merah central there to help up with the celebration, and went back to bukit purmei for our office bearer meeting. what the hell lor, i get back the same portfolio, and kena arrow like what rice all these need to check, what the hell lor.. arhhh.. sick of all these, have to give up m sunday again. why can't they just give me something esle. haiz.. sian leh. after the meet i went home and sleep for an hour. atleast i dun feel that sick, cos took some medi. after that wake up den go meet dear to eat and walk around. as we went out late we only manage to shop awhile. den we had starbuck at orchard. reach home abt 12.15 le. bath den fallen asleep.. so tired yesterday.. wanted to sleep more..haha.. den became like a pig le.. k think that all i got.. till next time.. bye!!


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